Sunday, September 6, 2009


I am sitting in my living room the day before Labor Day alone! My husband is at work again! There are definitely times when i feel life is the pits without the cherries! I must remember that I really have it pretty good! I have a steady job and who cares that the store has been experiencing some form of melt down for.......ever! I love working with people most days and I have a steady income!

My wonderful, faithful collie, Laceiy is sleeping on the floor next to my chair. She has a wonderful life! Sleep, eat, play, sleep some more! I can hear the crickets doing their summer song and the sun is shining! The weather has been absolutely perfect here for weeks! It's a little scary! I hope this does not mean we are in for a bad winter! I keep asking myself why it is I stay in Minnesota! Oh, yeah, the job! My wonderful spouse is a hard worker! He is a store manager at the same company I work for, but not at the same store. We are empty nesters now. I find that a little hard to deal with. Some days more than others.

I live in a wonderul park that has a very diverse population! There's the widow across the street who has been dating the 80's something veteran who lives down the road. A mixed race couple live kitty corner from me, a couple with 2 BIG dogs next door, the lonely, but always busy, 70ish poet down the road, the truck driver, his wife and their teenage son across the street next to the widow, and the family of 4, 2 houses down. We have a woman a few houses down who rents out to several single men (against the rules), and an assortment of families and single people throughout the park. I am told we even have our very own sex offender living among us.

I created a garden the first summer I was here. I have tomatoes, zuchinni, eggplant, and peppers. My family has never really liked eggplant. I love the stuff when cooked in an Italian type of dish. I have been sneaking the stuff into many of my recipes, especially the stir frys and the sauces. Don't tell my husband! I have a lot of projects that I may never finish. At least I can say that I always have something to do! We are saving our money with hopes of going on an inexpensive vacation sometime in January! I am concentrating on dieting and exercising. I need to lose weight. I believe that if I lose weight, I will have more energy and that is someting that has become a hot commodity for me these days!

Time to go pick herbs to dry and walk the dog! the dog! :)

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